Tucker Tour '24
Please join us! Tell a friend!
October 5th (rain date, October 12th)
176 Tucker Mountain Road Andover, NH
Registration open at 8:30 am. Rolling out at 9:00!
---This is a fun ride and not a race! We are expecting an average pace of 10 mph.---
---The whole family is welcome to join us after the ride for a potluck BBQ starting at 2 pm!---
The Route
The Prizes
The Food
The 50 mile route will head west for a nice warm up on the rail trail. Halfway through at Grafton Pond will be food and drink to keep everyone fueled for the rest of the ride! We will loop around the backside of Ragged before a nice downhill brings us back to the start. All bikes are welcome, but keep in mind that 80% of the ride will be on dirt roads with some rugged class VI to finish things off.
There will also be a 25 mile route available for a few riders. Adam and Amanda have volunteered to have a vehicle available at Grafton pond for those of you that would like to ride the first half only.
All participants will receive a sticker! There will be a prize for the best dressed/most creative riding attire. The fastest participant on a Strava segment will receive a prize! At 2 miles and over 500 ft of elevation gain, "Kinsman hwy full climb" is tough. A prize will also be awarded for the most successful navigation of the Class VI sections at the end of the ride. Bonus points for under-biking! Good Luck!
There will be some snacks and water available at the aid station at the halfway point on the ride, Grafton Pond. Afterwards, all are welcome to a potluck style BBQ! We will provide pulled pork sliders, hot dogs and desserts. Please consider bringing a side dish and something to drink to contribute to the bounty! Kids and families welcome! But please, no dogs as we have a pooch that likes to have the place to herself.
Field is limited to 20 riders, so please email:
to reserve your spot today!!